Socialism for the Rich, Capitalism for the Poor

Welcome to the U.S.S.R. (United States Socialist Republic)

Daniel Steven Crafts: "Snake Oil Symphony"
Dub Gabriel: "Chasing the Paper (feat. Jah Dan)"
Cadence Weapon: "Real Estate"
Watt Wilfong: "No Money Down Blues"
Noam Chomsky: "The Real Market"

with Cagey House: "The Banker Withdrawals"
Janeen Brady: "Free Enterprise"
The Exxon Singers:
The Smarts: "Suite for a (ahem) Stinky Economy"
Art Paul Schlosser: "Needs More Money"
Howard Zinn: "The Founding Fathers"

with Matt Otto: "Class Struggle"
Zookeeper: "Tax Collector"
Janet Greene: "Fascist Threat"
Wild Man Fischer: "It's A Money World"

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