The collapse of Boston's long-neglected transit system has dominated the
news this week along with calls for more MBTA funding, but no action has
been taken and the General Manager unexpectedly quit after receiving a
unanimous vote of confidence. The city remains gridlocked and our only
"solution" has been to truck snow out to the suburbs. Governor Baker called
for another study to reach the same conclusions as all the previous 
studies. No amount of "reform" or new management is going to make up for
inadequate revenue, and if the state continues to neglect the lifeblood of
our economy, perhaps cities will be forced to unite in taxing themselves.
There may also be some real estate revenue opportunities. We debunk myths
about system expansion, transportation inequity and other uninformed
opinions people are spouting in the media and on Beacon Hill.

For now, an emergency transit plan is needed. We're talking immediate and
radical changes, working with the state and other cities to have a
transportation plan so that the city can keep moving when the T fails
(which we know will continue to happen). The trials of the past month
should make clear how the T impacts everyone in the region, not just
riders, and can be a perfect opportunity to demonstrate transit priority
measures that we should have all the time. Currently suburbanites can drive
into downtown faster than many Boston residents can get downtown; we think
that needs to change.

The collapse of Boston's long-neglected transit system has dominated the news this week along with calls for more MBTA funding, but no action has been taken and the General Manager unexpectedly quit after receiving a unanimous vote of confidence. The city remains gridlocked and our only "solution" has been to truck snow out to the suburbs. Governor Baker called for another study to reach the same conclusions as all the previous studies. No amount of "reform" or new management is going to make up for inadequate revenue, and if the state continues to neglect the lifeblood of our economy, perhaps cities will be forced to unite in taxing themselves. There may also be some real estate revenue opportunities. We debunk myths about system expansion, transportation inequity and other uninformed opinions people are spouting in the media and on Beacon Hill.

For now, an emergency transit plan is needed. We're talking immediate and radical changes, working with the state and other cities to have a transportation plan so that the city can keep moving when the T fails (which we know will continue to happen). The trials of the past month should make clear how the T impacts everyone in the region, not just riders, and can be a perfect opportunity to demonstrate transit priority measures that we should have all the time. Currently suburbanites can drive into downtown faster than many Boston residents can get downtown; we think that needs to change.

Did we miss something or get it wrong? Send us your questions, comments and ideas for topics or guests >> contact us.  Or share your thoughts in the comments below.

The Transit Matters Podcast is your source for transportation news, analysis, interviews and more. We focus on sustainable transportation planning, operations and policies in Boston and beyond. Transit Matters is a joint project of local transit advocates Marc Ebuña, Jeremy Mendelson and Josh Fairchild.

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