We have a special treat for you today. Normally when we post about the art of Transformers: REANIMATED, it's a write-up. Well, today it's an audio interview from our podcast with artist Damon Batt.

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In this episode, Damon shares with us how he got into comic book art. He also talks about his love for G1 Transformers, what it's been like working with us and reveals some SPOILERS on upcoming issues of Transformers: REANIMATED.

Poster for: Honey, I Blew Up the Kid.

The original cover idea that Greig and I came up with for Transformers: Reanimated issue 4 was a homage to 'Honey, I Blew Up the Kid'. We wanted to replace the kid with Frenzy and replace Rick Moranis with Cosmos. A lot of the ideas that Greig and I have had for these comic book covers come from my background hobby of collecting sketch covers, and having an idea (or homage) allows me to easily show an artist something and say, "I want that. Only replace the characters with Transformers." It's quick and easy that way. I know what I am going to get and the artist has an example to look at of what I want. As such, I've gotten some beautiful sketch covers doing it this way.

Damon, however; asked if he could pitch an original idea for the cover, and what he pitched actually looked so much better than the homage Greig and I requested. Damon simply gets it. He understands what we are trying to do with Transformers: REANIMATED and it shows in his enthusiasm and more incredibly, his art. We are immensely lucky to have him on our team.

"Artwork: Exceptional."

So please check out our audio interview with Damon Batt through the link above or your favorite podcast server. You won't be disappointed!

Till All Are One!Yoshi & Greig

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