Transformers Chronicles: The Marvel Years - Episode 018

Issue: Transformers #18 (Marvel)

Although there is a My Chemical Romance reference in this Transformers Chronicles, maybe we should have used Dave Matthews instead? Because of the space (bridge) between (if you like that reference Delvin wrote this, if you didn’t Jon did)... Maggie stays, Pat returns!

Opening [0:02:32]
Podcast promo - Monthly Monday Movie Muckabout - [0:09:47]
Comic Issue Review/Discussion [0:11:02]
Who had the touch? [0:42:23]
Less Than Meets The Eye [0:46:19]
Transformers Spotlight - Cosmos [0:52:25]
Podcast promo - Fanholes Podcast - [0:56:45]
Closing [0:57:42]

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Till then, see you next time and remember: Freedom is the right of all sentient beings!

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