Show opening
Recent pickups
Discussing Beast Wars S01E07
X-Transbots : Neptune preorder thoughts
Listener question : "Why does Bill from STCPod go crazy when you guys talk about video games?"

Twitter : @ACDecepticon

YouTube : TransformersandBeer


iTunes: Transformers & Beer Podcast

Podcast URL:



Training in the Fire by Twin Musicom is part of the YouTube Audio Library (

Training in the Fire by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (


Show opening
Recent pickups
Discussing Beast Wars S01E07
X-Transbots : Neptune preorder thoughts
Listener question : "Why does Bill from STCPod go crazy when you guys talk about video games?"

Twitter : @ACDecepticon

YouTube : TransformersandBeer


iTunes: Transformers & Beer Podcast

Podcast URL:



Training in the Fire by Twin Musicom is part of the YouTube Audio Library (

Training in the Fire by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (


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