Carlos Siqueira, internationally known as “The Mentor's Mentor,” who holds several Certifications on High Performance, Consulting, and Strategic Intervention who worked his way up from poverty and family crises to become the top selling sales executive and trainer/coach for the number one cable TV and Internet service provider in the U.S. After living the dream, he now leads the dream by coaching other coaches, consultants and speakers worldwide to create a perfect, scientifically based, message-to-market match, re-engineering their competitive advantage so they can grow both their personal and company brands as the undisputed industry standard in their market. With his unique blend of real-world experience, business insight, high energy, and contagious good humor, Carlos helps others achieve personal and professional success and fulfillment. As his clients like to say, “With Carlos at your side, you can escape the vortex of negativity, and harness the power of your mind to begin living the life which was previously unimaginable!”

They can read 3 chapters of the book for free. 


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