Today we explore the world of "Medical Intuition: A Science of the Soul," with my guest Dr. Norm Shealy. Dr. Shealy discusses medical intuition, the role our chakras play in our health. At the end of our show Dr. Shealy talks about the five intrinsic rings (electrical circuits) in the body, and guides us in a meditation for the ring of fire known to be effective for raising DHEA levels, and excellent for migraine, depression, and diabetic neuropathy. Dr. Shealy is an internationally recognized authority in alternative health care for more than three decades, and a leading pioneer in the field of medical intuition. Dr. Shealy is the founder of the American Holistic Medical Association which includes the concepts of spiritual healing and spiritual health in its medical health care model, and has also completed more than 20 years of research into anti-aging. To learn more about Dr Norm Shealy, and his work in alternative health care, medical intuition, and anti-aging medicine, and to sign-up for his FREE newsletter please visit his website at: