This story was originally published at Paulette Jaxton’s short fiction podcast, Form Letter Rejection Theatre. I’ve been meaning to drop it in the feed for awhile now, and since I’m not ready to put the next proper episode out quite yet, here it is. Original show notes and cast can be found here. If you […]

This story was originally published at Paulette Jaxton’s short fiction podcast, Form Letter Rejection Theatre. I’ve been meaning to drop it in the feed for awhile now, and since I’m not ready to put the next proper episode out quite yet, here it is. Original show notes and cast can be found here.

If you like this story and want more, or you hated it and want something different, check out the other stories at Form Letter Rejection Theatre or Paulette’s new podiobook The Empress Sword.

\”Regarding the Barry Fitzpatrick\’s Narrator\” by Paulette Jaxton