During some much-needed podcast admin time this morning, I discovered that a mail-forwarding filter I set up a long time ago to handle feedback never worked. The whole time I thought I was not getting any email feedback, I was actually just not seeing it because it was languishing in email purgatory. I apologize to […]

During some much-needed podcast admin time this morning, I discovered that a mail-forwarding filter I set up a long time ago to handle feedback never worked. The whole time I thought I was not getting any email feedback, I was actually just not seeing it because it was languishing in email purgatory. I apologize to the folks who have emailed me with feedback over the months and never gotten a response. I’ve taken care of the problem now and I will be replying to those emails this week, and they will also be included in the upcoming feedback show.

Speaking of upcoming shows, I know I promised I would put out one episode a month and I missed July. I’m shaping up to miss August too, unless I can get one out in the next few days. School is starting up again for me this week, so I’ve designed a new recording schedule that will get me back on track and start to build up a buffer, without interfering with homework and housework. Not having a steady release schedule is not working for me, I doubt it’s working well for my listeners, and I have so many great things I want to share with you all. Thanks to everyone for hanging in there through my erratic production.

As for the name change, this time it’s me instead of the podcast! DDog has been a great name for me over the years and it will remain my handle on Twitter and many other networks. However, I’m transitioning to the name R. Taylor for many purposes, including Trans(re)lating. Soon I’ll have a story published with this byline! Call me R, call me DDog, or call me by my first name if you know it; any of these are welcome and I will answer to them all. If you have something to send me that’s not necessarily related to the podcast, you can reach me at [email protected].

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