When they demand that you disappear into the shadows again, the only choice is illumination. THIS WEEK: The GOP doesn't want LGBT people to adopt children, and of course this will disproprtionately effect the T; what happens when a fascist dictator blames a minority group for society's ills, cons the people into persecuting them, persecutes them successfully, and the ills of society remain unaddressed? Why, it's time to pick another minority, of course! Given the current political climate, is it such a jump to think that transgender people are next in line? They want us to go away, which is why we must make ourselves more public than ever. ALSO: Updates on being in Italy, including being sick, missing Pompeii, and sorting through pictures; asking myself when I'll feel comfortable thinking of myself as a woman; pondering the various developments of two months on hormone replacement therapy and whether they're real or just in my head.

Do you have questions, stories, or other gender-related gripes you want to share? Email me at [email protected]

INTRO/OUTRO MUSIC is the Mii Channel Theme JAZZ COVER by insaneintherainmusic.

COVER ART is by the wonderful Emilee Bumgarner.

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