I have finally embraced the inevitable evolution of this podcast into a self-help advice show. THIS WEEK: The fear of coming out and transitioning even when support is likely; the gravity of secrets and the allure of questions left unanswered; the complications of being a transgender man and the child of immigrants; how to con your ungrateful parents out of money and live your best life; why your ungrateful parents are trash and how you don't owe them a dang thing; reiterating the fact that it is okay to come out as trans but to desist later. Seriously! Coming out as trans is not a fact you've carved out in stone. Identity is weird and it's all a subjective nightmare. Stop stressing and just experiment!

ALSO: Vote! Vote in the dang midterms!! Vote vote vote VOTE VOTE


Do you have questions, stories, or other gender-related gripes you want to share?
Email me at[email protected]
OR: Send an anonymous message to curiouscat.me/hmsnofun

INTRO AND OUTRO MUSIC is the Mii Channel Theme JAZZ COVER by insaneintherainmusic.

COVER ART is by the wonderful Emilee Bumgarner.

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and on MASTODON @hmsnofun

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