#ihaveagramophone. Make it trend, or I walk. THIS WEEK: Melancholy in the Sarah's world; the loneliness of Italy without friends at home to talk to; revisiting your journal is ALWAYS a bad idea; reflections on my conversation with Shannon Strucci in the previous episode; fear of asking friends and colleagues to respect your new name and chosen pronouns; the stress of being a stealth transgender person in college; good reactions from friends and family; how cis people can help trans people.

Do you have questions, stories, or other gender-related gripes you want to share? Email me at [email protected]

INTRO MUSIC is the Mii Channel Theme JAZZ COVER by insaneintherainmusic.

INTERSTITIAL MUSIC is the Mirror Temple JAZZ COVER by insaneintherainmusic.

OUTRO MUSIC is the Mor Adain - Roaming the Wastes JAZZ COVER by insaneintherainmusic.

COVER ART is by the wonderful Emilee Bumgarner.

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