Previous Episode: Divine Time
Next Episode: Handwriting Analysis

Change happens, is the only constant, and is ever-evolving with or without our conscious awareness. Amidst life’s kaleidoscope of change is a higher vibration path of synchronicity, purpose, harmony, and flow.

We reach this higher vibrational space when we interal-eyes knowledge that is our defense against mind control and consciously choose to think free. It’s the way humanity used to live. Life’s changes become choices on how we perceive, participate, and positively affect outcomes when we re-align with our nature.

Awake and aware, many have embraced the harsh reality that there are those among us who seek to manipulate our life’s experience through imposed traumatic changes. Trauma is the basis of mind control. 

Fear, negativity, division, grief, and hatred are being deliberately used to keep us in a lower vibration  and out of flow with life’s higher purpose. My daughter Kelly and I were exposed to this dark plan while deep in the Wash DC swamp among global perpeTraitors under their MK Ultra mind control...

Read the full article here!

Wisely knowing we can only help those who are willing to help themselves, Kelly chose to stay out of the public eye and turbulent current until humanity chose to join that higher path that comes with awareness. Clearly collective consciousness is rising- as is Kelly’s voice and presence. Reconnecting in a Disconnected World. Reconnecting in a Disconnected World.