This episode is for the good guys, the nice guys, the cool guys, the feminist guys, the dudes of earth who say they want to end sexual violence but who don't know where to start. No more excuses, dudes.

The "me too" movement that Tarana Burke started a decade ago went viral after the New York Times broke decades' worth of sexual assault and abuse allegations against Harvey Weinstein. "Me too" started as a way for survivors to talk to each other, but warped into a kind of victimhood performance as women and nonbinary people were encouraged to make their experiences public, again -- in hopes of, this time, making good guys give a damn.

We're tired of it. We're tired of asking, of begging, of cutting open our wounds again and again. So on this episode anti-rape activist Wagatwe Wanjuki tells men: It's your turn. 

We're also joined by journalist Helen Rosner, who talks about her essay "20 Things Men Can Do RTFN to Support Women, Beyond Just Literally Ceasing to Sexually Harass Us."

Can’t listen? We'll posted the episode transcript below in the next 48 hours — something we’ll be doing for all of our episodes as part of our commitment to accessibility.