In this episode, Dave Schell and Dr. Phil Batterson discuss fiber types in muscles and their relationship to endurance training. They explain the different types of muscle fibers, including type 1 (slow twitch), type 2a (fast twitch with some aerobic capacity), and type 2x (fast twitch with non-aerobic capacity). They also discuss the history of how these fiber types have been described and identified. The conversation delves into the energy systems used during different types of exercise and the importance of mitochondrial function in endurance training. The hosts emphasize that proper training will lead to adaptations in muscle fibers, making them more fatigue-resistant and better suited for endurance activities.


Muscles are made up of different types of fibers, including type 1 (slow twitch), type 2a (fast twitch with some aerobic capacity), and type 2x (fast twitch with non-aerobic capacity).The proportion of muscle fibers in a muscle determines its function. Postural muscles and the heart have a high proportion of type 1 fibers for fatigue resistance.Endurance training focuses on improving mitochondrial function and oxygen utilization in muscles.Training adaptations will make muscles more fatigue-resistant and better suited for endurance activities.The specific training demands of an event should guide the training approach, rather than focusing on specific muscle fiber types.