If you want to find someone who knows a thing or two about overworld tunes, RPGFan is the place to look. It's lucky, then, that Stephen Meyerink and Derek Heemsbergen (both hosts of music-focused podcast Rhythm Encounter) have agreed to lend their expertise and vocal chords in an episode all about exploration themes. We travel to the heights of Hyrule and the depths of Resident Evil: Director Cut's basement, so hold onto your hats.

If you want to find someone who knows a thing or two about overworld tunes, RPGFan is the place to look. It's lucky, then, that Stephen Meyerink and Derek Heemsbergen (both hosts of music-focused podcast Rhythm Encounter) have agreed to lend their expertise and vocal chords in an episode all about exploration themes. We travel to the heights of Hyrule and the depths of Resident Evil: Director Cut's basement, so hold onto your hats.

Visit RPGFan if you want to hear more from cool people like the ones featured in this episode. When it comes to Twitter, you've got options: You can follow Stephen Meyerink, Derek Heemsbergen, RPGFan, or all three (recommended).

How did you like this episode? If the answer is "lots" then consider following Train Station at 8 on Twitter and subscribing on iTunes, or maybe send an email to [email protected]. Hearing from you would make our collective day!

The 8 Questions:

1. What have you been listening to?
2. What makes an effective exploration theme?
3. What are your most memorable exploration themes?
4. What are some lackluster exploration themes, and why don’t they work?
5. How do Eastern and Western games approach exploration themes differently?
6. How can combat music add to (rather than subtract from) exploration music?
7. If you could change one exploration theme, why and how would you do that?
8. What have you been working on?

Stuff we talked about:

RPGFanRandom EncounterRhythm EncounterTwilight SymphonyThe Resident Evil: Director's Cut Basement Theme

Music used in this episode:

KK Podcasting (Train Station at 8 Theme) - Bryan KellyJohn Hughes - AnamanaguchiSeaside Hill (Act 2) - Jun SenoueOpen Your Heart - Crush 40Unknown From M.E. - Marlon Saunders, Dread FoxFunky Dealer - Hideki NaganumaShed Your Travails - Jeremy SouleThe Great Sea - Kenta NagataHyrule Field (Ocarina of Time) - Koji KondoHyrule Field (Twilight Princess) - Toru Minegishi / Asuka Ota / Koji KondoTerra's Theme - Nobuo UematsuInside the Castle Walls - Koji KondoTitle Screen - Karl BrueggemannStrange World (Marching Through the Fields) - Koichi SugiyamaTermina Field - Koji Kondo

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