There will never be a one plan fits all program that gets everyone the dream progress they desire. Everyone was built different, everyone has different genetic builds, everyone has different fibers, everyone has different metabolisms, everyone is different. The other day I was asked, "Matt what's the best training split for me?" Picking a training split depends on what you want to achieve. What goals do you have for your body, physique, strength, and performance. Do you want a higher PR, do you want 6 pack abs, do you want to improve your mile time. These are all questions that should be answered first.


Then we can start building a training split to best amplify your results. There are a few things to think about when you're building your split (which is all explained in this episode), but two things I highly recommend is: 

Get a coach who knows what they're talking about and have them coach you for at least 3 months. This will get you understanding what splits are, how to train, how to eat, ect. If you're building this yourself, pick a split and stay true to it for 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, check your progress. See what changed, see how you improved, then move things around, or take another avenue of approach. 

This is your health, your goals, your strength, your muscle growth, your performance. This is your journey so have fun with it.


If you have any questions you want answered or wanting to talk to me directly, head over to:

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