James & Kevin swing with Peter Parker to the UK, grappling with the implications of including spoilers for a movie that came out three weeks prior in a trailer, wondering if having a villain from an alternate dimension lessens our ability to empathize with them, and whether or not the dick-punch gag worked.

With an abundance of trailers dropping left and right, the boys take Spiderman's lead and sod off to Europe, embarking on their third Cannes-Quest. They assess the trailers, clips, or lack there of in... (Googles)... sunny France! Whether it be a kinetic romp like Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, or a sweeping romance (with raking!) like A Hidden Life, they give you their assessment of this year's crop from the international festival, and dole out the coveted Palm Door for Best Trailer.

Ooh! Someone wrote in, too! James & Kevin also take in some feedback regarding Detective Pikachu and Sonic the Hedgehog, and are asked to assess if they were too easy on the former and too hard on the latter. And if you want the boys to review a particular trailer or expand on previous thoughts, be sure to email in at [email protected]!