When was the last time you volunteered in your community? Before COVID-19, Never? Did you know that by volunteering, you gain more experience and opportunities than you actually give? Rita O. Venable, community change-agent and women’s advocate with a 40-year history of activism is a champion for racial and gender equality both at home and abroad. She has been recognized for her volunteerism at home and abroad as demonstrated with awards such as the Global Guide /Work Exchange Program-Johannesburg South Africa (2003), and the nationally renowned Jefferson Awards for Public Service Certificate of Excellence. Rita Venable started volunteering as a young mother with the simplest thing as being her daughter’s scout troop’s leader when they couldn’t find one. She has four decades later, accomplished so much more after volunteering in causes dear to her. She has not only helped support many women in their healing and rediscovering journeys but also gotten the opportunity to meet and work with women leaders who taught her so much. Rita had previously broken barriers in her youth doing jobs like banking that were not prevalent among black people in her community. Don’t miss her discussion of Black Lives Matter and her thoughts about what can be done.