Monique Montanino – If you have been or are in a corporate career and have dreamed of retiring early, listen to Monique’s experience – because she did it. But retirement can get boring. So what else is there to do? If you’re looking to pivot by starting a business after your retirement, this is the episode for you. Monique retired early, did volunteer work, and later decided to monetize her skills as a career coach and has been very successful. Monique is a certified career coach and a former Fortune 200 tech sales executive. After she retired from corporate America, she started serving as a career consultant empowering her executive clients to reach their full potential within the tech industry. She also loves to write and travel and speaks four languages. She combined those and is now one of TripAdvisor’s top contributors. She also writes a blog and has written a book, Clicks, Tricks, and Golden Handcuffs. In this episode, Monique explains how she pivoted after retiring early and created a successful career coaching business aimed at serving tech executives across the globe. Listen in to learn the four most important factors to consider when starting a business to do it smoothly and successfully. You will also learn about the nitty-gritty of writing and self-publishing a book successfully.

 Key Takeaways:

The importance of doing competitive research to understand a market before starting a business Find a mentor in your area of business to help you in the journey of starting a business Why you need to seek experience through internships, volunteering, or consulting in the industry you’re interested in starting a business in The importance of having a planned business case months before you start a business How to be financially prepared for both your new business and personally

The importance of having a business website, and specifically targeting your ideal client where they hang out Learn to establish deadlines and take risks in your business to scale it higher