Ivory N. Mathews is a dynamic leader and motivator, offering over 20 years’ comprehensive expertise in rebranding organizations through transformational and thought-centered approaches to leadership. Ivory exemplifies a “mentor” leadership approach, providing thorough ongoing guidance, training, and feedback. She has been building capable, motivated, inspired, and highly productive teams with a razor-sharp focus on delivering high-impact results. These creative solutions consistently execute organizational goals and objectives on time and within budget.

Ivory Mathews is the CEO of Columbia Housing and a dynamic leader and motivator, offering over 20 years’ comprehensive expertise in rebranding organizations through transformational and thought-centered approaches to leadership. She was named one of the top 20 dynamic CEOs in 2021 by the CEO publication, a global business magazine that recognizes leaders across the industry in the United States and the United Kingdom. Listen in to learn the value of high-quality technology in organizations to maximize efficiency and encourage innovation. You will also learn about implicit biases at the workplace and how they can be extremely harmful in any organization.

 Key Takeaways:

How to diversify resources to bring in public-private partnerships to create more quality affordable housing The power of good communication and transparency as a leader in charge of public funds How to use technology to maximize efficiency, provide much better customer service, and encourage employee innovation Why every organization needs to have a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) focus Why you should never underestimate the value of a strong support system in your career journey Find your purpose and pursue it passionately Always believe in who you are and live authentically by what makes you happy
