Are you a caregiver to someone? How are you taking care of yourself in addition to the other person? There is no sugar coating it. Taking good care of a loved one is hard. Gayle Messman is the Chief Service Officer at Cariloop and an expert in long-term care. She has been in the field of caregiving for over 25 years and in this episode shares the components of caregiving and how to remain at your best as a caregiver. She believes no one should go through caregiving alone. Cariloop’s  goal is to help people spend less time how to figure out how to take care of their loved ones and more time being present with them. She possesses more than 25 years of progressive experience in the healthcare industry. Cariloop is a caregiver support platform that offers individual membership and is also offered as an employee benefit. In this episode, Gayle talks about caregiving during the pandemic, resources on caregiving, and the value of supporting caregivers. Listen in to learn the importance of changing your mindset around asking for help and support as a caregiver. You will also learn the importance of educating yourself on caregiving and building a support network so you don’t have to do it all by yourself.

Key Takeaways:

How to be at your best by taking care of your health and asking for help as a caregiver How to use respite care regularly for you to reenergize and feel centered again How to be creative and tailor the available resources on caregiving to what fits your family The value of getting support and professional guidance to understand more about caregiving Start conversations, get legal documents in order, and ask for help when it comes to caregiving