Instead of being 80% part of the problem, men can be part of the solution we need to attain diversity in the workplace and businesses. Jeffery Tobias Halter uses women's advocacy to talk about the other dimensions of diversity and bring the much-needed impact. Jeffery is a corporate gender strategist and the President of YWomen, a strategic consulting company focused on engaging men in women's leadership advancement. He’s also the founder of the Father of a Daughter Initiative and the creator of Gender Conversations Quick Starters Newsletter and the Male Advocacy Profile. Jeffery is the former Director of Diversity Strategy for The Coca-Cola Company. In this episode, Jeffery explains his passion for advocating for women and how he’s training other men to embrace diversity at the workplace. Listen in to learn the importance of men realizing the responsibility they have for the women in their lives to advocate for all women.  You will also learn the different ways you can stay exposed to opportunities as a woman working virtually.

Key Takeaways:

The importance of having conversations about diversity to achieve the required change How to listen, learn, lead, and have the will to overcome diversity challenges How to make your voice heard by talking to your manager, networking, and reaching out when working virtually Make a prospect a customer even before they’re a customer by approaching them right The importance of hiring a professional social media manager to help grow your business