Claudia San Pedro - Are you creating an inclusive culture where people feel they not only belong but have a career with you? One of the very interesting topics Claudia San Pedro talks about is the four pillars of diversity equity and inclusion. She shares her insights on finding your bearings, keeping yourself and your team motivated, driving performance, and leading through times of change. Listen in to learn the importance of having a ‘why’ for your career and staying grounded to achieve your career’s higher purpose. You will also learn what it takes for leaders to transition a company during acquisition to ensure every stakeholder benefits.

Key Takeaways:

How to take positive criticism and use it to drive for your career success How to say yes to the right opportunities and be grounded to learn from your mentors and coaches Learning how to compromise and respect others’ opinions amid political differences How to be more listening, caring, and flexible as a leader to employees during a crisis How to build a diverse and inclusive culture in an organization through culture pillars How to ask tough questions with a constructive intent and to achieve solutions