Cat Crosslin is the Owner and CEO of Instar Performance. Some people talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. Cat Crosslin does. Her point is “If I don’t continue to grow, I can’t help others be the best they can be. Because each time I advance in the career work, I know I need to be better. I’m driven in my own leadership journey by if I’m going to bring the best out in them, I’d better be challenging myself.” In this episode, Cat shares her passion for leadership and personal development and that of the making of champions. Listen in to learn how to overcome your internal limitations to become effective and successful. You will also learn the importance of having a clear picture of what you want and focusing on it. 

Key Takeaways:

The importance of having a clear focus on things you want instead of what you don’t want How to utilize video conferencing as a complementary way of connecting with your audience The importance of overcoming your internal limiting beliefs to become effective How to make your life engaging by taking risks, traveling, eliminating any negative feelings, and reach out to mentors