Holly Hotchner is the president and CEO of the National Women's History Museum and had previously served as the director of the Museum of Arts and Design in New York City from 1996 to 2013. Virginia Littlejohn is the founder of the women's entrepreneurship advocacy organization Quantum Leaps and was named to Forbes 50 over 50 for investment. In this episode, Holly and Virginia talk about their work in advocating for women’s issues both in history and entrepreneurship.

Listen in to learn how women can make a difference when afforded high leadership opportunities in government and big organizations’ offices. You will also learn the importance of retelling women’s achievements stories to inspire younger generations of women and girls to strive higher.

Key Takeaways:

How to form connections and partnerships to help advocate for women’s entrepreneurship issues The difference women can make when given high leadership positions in government and organizations The benefits of pushing women into STEM and algorithms to be part of decision-making in tech How to step up to big issues in our communities to leave a better legacy for future generations The importance of women engaging with policy and advocacy to bring humanity to the world