Episode 6 - The Chevy Chase

In episode 6 Tim finally get rounds to covering his favourite race the Chevy Chase. We have an interview with Iain Twaddle, and some mini interviews with runners from this years race including Bruce Crombie, Phil Green, Maxine Lock and Lindley Chambers

As stated in the podcast we have used several audio clips from the Community TV Program about Wooler. There is also a version of program that can viewed online here. 

Links for Wooler Running Club

Wooler Running Club website 

Links For Iain Twaddle

Link to Iain's great write up about his Chevy Chase challenge

Links For Bruce Crombie

Bruce's blog page

Links For Phil Green

Phil's Blog

Links For Lindley Chambers and Maxine Lock

Lindley's Blog

Outro Music - Breathe in Breathe out - Singleton 
Breathe in Breathe out - Singleton 

Listen to and download the show from here.

Episode 6 - The Chevy Chase

In episode 6 Tim finally get rounds to covering his favourite race the Chevy Chase. We have an interview with Iain Twaddle, and some mini interviews with runners from this years race including Bruce Crombie, Phil Green, Maxine Lock and Lindley Chambers

As stated in the podcast we have used several audio clips from the Community TV Program about Wooler. There is also a version of program that can viewed online here. 

Links for Wooler Running Club

Wooler Running Club website 

Links For Iain Twaddle

Link to Iain's great write up about his Chevy Chase challenge

Links For Bruce Crombie

Bruce's blog page

Links For Phil Green

Phil's Blog

Links For Lindley Chambers and Maxine Lock

Lindley's Blog Outro Music - Breathe in Breathe out - Singleton Breathe in Breathe out - Singleton 

Listen to and download the show from here.