Released on 25th April 2015
Episode 11 - Robbie Britton and Paul Burgum

In episode 11 we talk to Robbie Britton about his great individual and the team performances at the IAU 24-hour championships in Italy. We also talk to Robbie about his views about Nike sponsoring known drug cheats. 
We also catch up with adventurer and ultra runner Paul Burgum about his adventures from walking to Ultra Running.

Links for Robbie Britton

Robbie's Website
Robbie's twitter account

Links for Paul Burgum

Paul's blog
Paul's twitter account

Outro Music - What you want is Lost 
What you want is Lost - Oprhan Songs 

Released on 25th April 2015
Episode 11 - Robbie Britton and Paul Burgum

In episode 11 we talk to Robbie Britton about his great individual and the team performances at the IAU 24-hour championships in Italy. We also talk to Robbie about his views about Nike sponsoring known drug cheats. We also catch up with adventurer and ultra runner Paul Burgum about his adventures from walking to Ultra Running.

Links for Robbie Britton

Robbie's WebsiteRobbie's twitter account

Links for Paul Burgum

Paul's blogPaul's twitter accountOutro Music - What you want is Lost What you want is Lost - Oprhan Songs 

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