Mimika Cooney (http://mimikacooney.com/) s our special guest on today's episode of traffic and leads podcast. She is a television host, public speaker, as well as a published author and an expert on video marketing. She love to help entrepreneurs find their ideal clients, as well as helping her clients position their brands to get higher sales by sharing her go-to-tips on how to market your brand.

* The difference between Periscope and Blab.
* How you can get started using Blab.
* The benefits of being seen by your audience through video conversations.
* How to decide which platform is better for you.
* Why it is important to have a consistent time frame of when you are recording live.
* How consistency encourages more interactivity among your viewers.
* How Blab can increase you Twitter followers.
* Discover how Blab can be used to promote your business/webinar/anything with social media.
* How Blab can be integrated into your blog and YouTube as well.
* How Blab streamlines your publication process.
* What Mimika does and how she can help you brand your business.
* How Blab can enhance your audience and gain traffic.
* How a Facebook Community and group engages the audience, rather than just a business page.
* Why you may want to consider becoming an early Adopter for Facebook Live.
* Why you should consider a short video on Facebook rather than a lengthy video.