Greg Smith ( is our special guest in today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast. I am your host one-click Lindsey. Today we have a very exciting guest. He is the founder and CEO of Thinkific ( A software platform that makes it easy to create, market and sell online courses ( So today, with Greg, We are going to be talking a lot about online courses, ,  the headaches of online courses and how Greg can help us resolve these headaches. So without further ado, welcome to the show today, Greg!

* What Thinkific is
* The definition of online courses
* What the process of receiving/subscribing to online courses looks like
* Why businesses offer online courses
* What Greg’s favorite online courses are
* Which niches online courses can be found in
* Two major hurdles of creating online courses
* How to create an online course
* How to get people to buy your online course
* Simple solutions for the hurdles one might find
* Tips on how to market your course
* A list of sites that are helpful for marketing
* How Greg uses his YouTube channel to his course’s advantage
* What content his YouTube videos contain
* How to use keywords to draw in listeners
* How to make non-paid forms of advertisement work
* What kind of courses Greg offers
* About Greg’s LSAT course
* How frequently Thinkific hosts webinars
* How webinars work as a lead generation and opt-in tool
* About Greg’s most successful opt-ins
* How often Greg releases blog posts
* SEO – how much time Thinkific puts into it
* Why Greg has mixed reviews about SEO
* Whether Greg does pay-per click ads, branded and non-branded search, etc.
* How Greg hit a 28% conversion on one webinar
* About Thinkific’s email marketing strategy