Craig Ballantyne ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads podcast. He is a productivity and success transformation coach from Toronto, Canada, he shows people like you and I how to lose up to 75 pounds, get a raise and earn more money, find their soul mate, and overcome any obstacle that is standing in the way of their success. You can check out his insights on success, productivity, health, and self-improvement at (
You must have to listen to this podcast If you want to be successful.

* How can the Perfect Day Formula can help you succeed.
* What the “3-C formula is” and how it works:

* Control - Morning
* Cope - Afternoon
* Concentrate - Night

* What 2 exercises that you should at the end of each night:

* Brain Dump
* Script the Next Day

* How you can take your general plan for the day and enhance it the night before.
* Examples how this kind of planning has helped Craig succeed.
* How time blocking can help get more work done in less time.
* What are the 5 pillars of transformation:

* Better planning and preparation
* Professional accountability
* Positive Social Support
* Meaningful incentive
* Big deadline

* How Craig transitioned from a personal trainer into an online entrepreneur.
* How Craig once used Facebook advertising to sell products and how it’s changed since.
* How he was able to make money back from failed Facebook advertising via email marketing.
* How can help you live your best life.
* What is the 10-3-2-1-0 Formula
* Why you need the keywords for your niche market place is essential, as well as a call to action.
* How Craig chooses what topics he should make a video of for his YouTube Channel.
* The secret to making the most of your day by focusing on “one bullet for your gun.”