Andrew Allemann ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( He is the founder of Podcast Guests (—an online directory of people that are willing to be guests on podcasts that match their area of expertise and qualifications—Andrew has found a way to connect people with ease, and for free, too! This week, Andrew and I talk about the importance of podcasts, how his website works, and what you should do if you’re looking to get into making your own podcast, or trying to be a guest to others. Let’s get started!
Where Andrew got the idea for his podcast! He was running his own podcast, and after 50 episodes, Andrew realized he was repeatedly searching through his Rolodex of contacts to get guests. He needed a broader look and to get different people for the show, and while there’s a lot of services out there that can help, they can be expensive. So, Andrew wanted to create something that was more a platform, and Podcast Guests was created!

* How it works when you sign up for Podcast Guests. Weekly, Andrew sends out a letter to over 6,000 people featuring podcasts that are looking for guests and what their qualifications are. If you need those qualifications, you simply click a link, full out a form, and the information is sent to the host! It’s really that easy! Andrew also tells us about the paid version of his website, explaining that it makes it easier for people to find you by uploading you into a directory of guests. That way, hosts can come to you, and not the other way around.
* Which is better if you’re just starting out, hosting or being a guest. Andrew definitely encourages people to be a guest first, because it’ll help you understand if podcasting is something you want to do in the long term. You’re making a commitment not only to yourself but to your listeners as well, so being a guest for a while lets you understand and create your style, what you think works and your niche. Then, if you find that you excel at it, you should look into starting a podcast of your own!
* How to host a podcast. Andrew explains that, honestly, it’s easier than most people think! You want to talk about your area of expertise, and a podcast is a lot easier to manage than a radio show, for example. It’s lower risk, it’s not live and audio can be edited to erase any mistakes or awkward moments, and there’s a smaller audience that hears you, making it less nerve-wracking than being in front of live people. Andrew also explains that podcasting is the perfect medium to get more comfortable with public speaking and interview styles.
* What you should do in order to get accepted onto a podcast! Andrew explains that you should make it as easy as possible to have the podcaster on the show and make the interview even easier. Additionally, you should be using what’s called a “one sheet”, which is basically a pitch about yourself. It explains what your expertise is, why you’re qualified, specific topics you can talk about, and example questions the host can ask you! Andrew also explains that you should talk about what you can do for them in terms of expanding their audience, and how you can make it grow larger with your presence.
* Why it’s more important to be of a high quality, rather than meeting a certain amount of listeners every week. 200 downloads might not seem like a lot, but Andrew encourages you to reframe it to show how valuable podcasting is as medium. If you picture those 200 people in an auditorium every week, people who are willing to hear what you have to see, it becomes a better number to accept!