Josh Haynam ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( He is CEO of “Interact (”. A company designed to help you generate leads and drive sales using quizzes. They host a tool for emulating those quizzes you see on places like your Facebook news feed.

* Josh explains exactly how a quiz can get you traffic. Namely, a quiz can prompt a call-to-action that is specifically geared in a personalized fashion. Let potential customers take a quiz that let's you decide how to pitch directly to them! He even gives us examples of the type of quizzes he has seen drive sales. (Guys, he throws out some serious numbers here. These quizzes work.)
* We get down and dirty with the question that's on everyone's mind: how difficult is it to create content for these quizzes? Josh pulls no punches – the content creation is a challenge, but Interact has done years worth of study to get it right. Don't worry, they won't leave you hanging.
* Data shows that people who use quizzes double their traffic. So, if the conversion rate is so high, why aren't more people making quizzes? In short: folks get scared off by the amount and type of thought that needs to be put into it.
* While these quizzes are, at their heart, about driving traffic, Josh wants to remind everyone what's at the heart of them: fun! People take these tests and quizzes because they're entertaining, and you should keep that in mind when designing yours. Keep it light, and don't over-think it!