Today, we have with us, John Jonas ( He is an experienced businessman, and the founder of ( Today, we are talking about how important it can be to outsource jobs across the world, to hiring dedicated people that will work hard to maintain their full time positions, and why his website and his business is a better, smarter choice compared to his competition. Let’s get started!

* How John got started! 14 years ago, John was looking to hire new people for his business. He’d tried all kinds of services to find freelancers and contract workers that didn’t give him what he wanted, and what he stumbled on in the process was what changed his life, and his business course! After receiving advice from his friend, John hired a man from the Philippines, and he hasn’t looked back since!
* John talks to us about the process of hiring a freelancer, and the concept behind what they’re meant to do. You want to hire them for a specific purpose, and once that task is complete, they’re usually gone. When hiring from the Philippines, you get a very different result. Jobs there are only temporary, lasting a total of 6 months before they have to find something else. So, when you offer them a long term, full time job position, they’re going to stay around as long as possible! They also care more about your business, and what you do, and are willing to learn as much as possible to maintain their jobs, as well as make sure the work they’re producing is the best of the best.
* John talks to us about the benefits for business owners when it comes to hiring from the Philippines. You get long term, full time employees that can create content for you and learn whatever you need them to learn, while also avoiding hiring more people to the same over and over again over months at a time! These people are committed and ready to work hard for their jobs—it’s just like hiring locally, at one third of the cost.
* John talks about his businesses versus UpWork, explaining that what they can offer is a better deal, at a better price. When you hire someone from the Philippines to be your virtual assistant, you’re giving them a chance at a full time job, and forcing yourself back into the CEO position. If you can’t keep the outsourcer busy, then you’re wasting your own time and money. So, by making sure they’ve always got something to do—things you would usually do—you can then focus on improving the business, thinking about the business, and achieving the goals you’re setting.
* John gives us a bit of information on hiring someone, and why it’s good to test the waters at first. When you give them their first task, you’re seeing if you can work with them in the long haul, and if your styles mesh together. If you find that things work out, John says that this person will undoubtedly stick around and keep things going.
* Lastly, John tells us how his website works, stating that—unlike UpWork—there’s no additional fee or charge for using his business. You simply pay a monthly fee of 69$/month in order to access their database of workers looking for jobs. From there on out, it’s between you and the people you choose to hire—John and his fellow founders don’t ask for any money!