Jason Swenk (http://jasonswenk.com/)a very sharp individual is here to share with you today. He has worked with some large and influential clients, such as Aflac, Lotus Cars, Hitachi, AT&T, Coca Cola and Legal Zoom, and he stopped by to bestow upon us some of his knowledge and insights.

* How Jason landed his prominent clients.
* Why finding your niche and specializing is a key to your success.
* Where Jason puts his dollars in advertising, and where he puts his energy and time.
* Why establishing systems for your business is integral for the long term growth of your business.
* How you can target and find your ideal clients to work with.
* About the milestone marketing approach that Jason recommends.
* How to use your marketing campaigns to generate leads and customers.
* What forms of content are currently seeing the most success as lead magnets and what can be considered passe.