Lindsey Anderson ( known as One-Click Lindsey is the host and guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast. Today, She is discussing the best social media platforms you must utilize for development of your business. If you are starting a new business you must start with Facebook and Instagram and be branching out from there. She's flying solo and walking you through Instagram marketing tips for business. You can call it Instagram Basics 101.

* What Instagram is all about. I break down how Instagram is similar to Facebook and also highlight some of their differences. For example, Instagram is an extremely visual medium, so you need to post a picture or video every time you post on Instagram whereas on Facebook, you can post text without an image and people will still read it and pay attention to it.
* How hashtags work and how to effectively utilize them. If you want to be noticed on Instagram, hashtags are the way to make it happen. I also share my favorite hashtag strategy, which is to summarize your post in one word and then check out that hashtag. See what other people are using as hashtags, borrow those hashtags, and post them as a comment to your own post!
* What a shadowban is. It’s a way for Instagram to moderate and regulate the content people are posting, effectively keeping spammy people or content out of people’s feeds. However, if you mix up your hashtags every time you post and take hashtags from people who are visible on Instagram, you should be in good shape.
* My “5 areas of life” tip. This is my favorite way to mix up what I post on Instagram. Think of five major areas of your life, and make sure a couple of those areas are personal and unrelated to your business. Cycle through this five areas; if you’re not sure what to post simply think back to one of the areas you haven’t touched on in a bit, and boom. Easy content!
* Quick tips for Instagram marketing. I talk a bit about why you need to get an Instagram business account and some ways you can properly utilize Instagram as a paid marketing medium.