Alisa Meredith ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( She is a Pinterest marketing expert. She got a ton of info to divulge today. Alisa answers so many key questions that all of us have been wondering. Get ready for an exciting episode.

* So many business owners are familiar with Facebook ads by now, but Pinterest is its own thing. How difficult is it to transition from one platform to the other? Alisa discusses some of the tactics she uses to help her clients get used to this particular type of advertising. She also walks us through some of the key differences between the platforms.
* Pinterest advertising is still fairly new. Because of that, it's changing, adjusting, and still lacks a lot of the features people are used to seeing implemented in Facebook ads. Alisa shares with us some insider knowledge, and even hints to a truth many haven't thought of: a newer ad medium means lower costs! Today you will learn how to use Pinterest for marketing.
* There are a lot of misconceptions about Pinterest, and we get to the bottom of several of them. Think your business won't do well on Pinterest because it's not involving fashion or food? Alisa has stories to tell about her most successful clients that might change your mind. Some people are also convinced that Pinterest is a “woman's site”, but Alisa explains how that stereotype doesn't hold water.
* Want to know the differences between Instagram and Pinterest? Looking to learn more about how to succeed on the platform? Alisa gives the best advice – make an account of your own, and start taking notes on how you personally behave on the platform.
* Alisa gives us all a load of advice on things we should look out for, avoid, and keep in mind when getting started on Pinterest. She explains the workings of “promoted pins”, creating targeted ad groups, and more.