John Belcher ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( He's a former Google AdWords employee, and current teacher of online marketing courses at AdSkills (, John gives us all the information we need to successfully advertise our products and services on YouTube. Let’s get started!

* Who John is, and how his work with skills can help you. Simply put, they work to help people turn paid traffic into paying traffic. They created a multitude of online courses that focus heavily on your presence across all social media types—Facebook, Google Display. Twitter, EMail, as well as tracking and conversion—and, through that, they’re building a community where people can become trained and educated on the things they need to know for running their business!
* John also talks to us about the ways you can advertise on YouTube, stating that there are 2 very common ones. The first is what’s called “in stream”, which you’ll know as the advertisements that appear before a video starts (where a ‘skip ad’ option is available after 5 seconds of playtime). This is where John spends 95% of his time, and he says that—when done right—these ads can give you amazing results. The other option of advertisements is called “in display ads”, which takes the process of applying a thumbnail as an advertisement at the top of a search result list.
* John goes over a technique he calls “the network funnel”, which focuses on the 5 stages of awareness. These stages—a construct created in the last 1960’s by Eugene Schwartz—are as follows: 1) totally unaware, 2) problem aware, 3) solution aware, 4) niche aware, and 5) offer aware. When talking about how to utilize YouTube, it’s important to understand where your opportunities lie, and the scope and scale of where you can be successful determine how you can use YouTube effectively.
* John verifies that small businesses and small B2B markets can still find success with YouTube! You won’t have the same scale as larger companies, but you can focus on more niche targets to get your success. Additionally, you can use Google’s targeting option to cater your ads to people who’re only actively looking for the things you’re offering—you can tell when people are in the market for a specific product or service, and advertise directly to them! By creating relevant ads about what your market is looking for and the stage of awareness they’re at, you can spend as little as $10.00 to $20.00 to get your content in front of people.
* John talks to us about how to build the best content, stating that he uses a technique called the “customer research process”. In relation to the problem that you’re solving, you also have to include what people are actively looking for. It’s important to figure out the things they’re seeing, feeling, and thinking, and to find out where they’re at in the process. By creating what he calls an “empathy map”, you can build content and test videos centered around that information.
* John also talks to us about what kind of advertisements work the best, stating that above all else, relevance is the most important thing. Having good lighting and sound is important, but if you speak to your audience and are very relevant to your message, that’s all that matters. You don’t have to make your content high budget to be successful—you just need to have a good message that’s also relevant, while also compelling people to visit your website.
* John comes back to in-stream ads, stating that advertisements between 60 - 90 seconds are successful.