Justin Devonshire (http://justindevonshire.com/) is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast.  Justin is the owner of the amazing Expert-Business Blog. We talk about tips and tricks on how to multipurpose your marketing materials, the value of quality over quantity when it comes to advertising, and how to get ahead in the rapidly-expanding consulting and coaching industries.

* Who Justin Devonshire is, what he does, how he’s learned his way around marketing, and how he’s helped to turn so many businesses around with his advice. He speaks about getting ahead in the coaching industry and the value of building relationships with clients.
* He expands on how to get ahead in a growing and fast-paced industry. Systems, tools, and techniques can work for any coach, but what’s most crucial to your success is your mindset. It’s important to stay ahead of the game and look at the tools that successful industries are using to expand their reach. The quicker you adapt, the sooner you’ll see improvement.
* Justin also emphasizes the importance of content marketing. It’s less important, he says, to “pummel” people with adverts, but instead to work on building relationships with your audience. Putting out content is necessary, but put out content that best shows who you are. Demonstrate your specialties—show your audience that you’re the best at what you do.
* In addition, know quantity is not always better than quality when it comes to your content. Instead, focus on the quantity of your viewers. Justin weighs in on the importance of repurposing your content across multiple platforms. Start with the medium you excel at and then repurpose it. He gives the example of video-making. You excel at making videos start there. You can move on to have that video transcribed, make audio files, cross-post, make it more accessible to everyone!
* Lastly, Justin talks about the importance of being yourself. At the end of the day, what builds the best relationships between you and your clients is authenticity. When you’re raw and authentic, it builds trust and rapport between you and those interested in your services. Regardless of the quality of your content, he says, it is you and your personality that has the greatest impact on your client base. Be there, be present, and be true to yourself and your audience.