Benjamin Dell ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( He's Founder and CEO of the company MissingLettr (—a software that takes long-form blog posts and turns them into social media snippets. Today, he is here to tell you all about how his software works, as well as tips and tricks for getting your marketing ideas out of your head and into reality. Let’s get started!

* Who Benjamin Dell is, and what MissingLettr can offer. A marketing information company, MissingLettr works to turn blog posts into social media snippets that are sent out over a span of 12 months. With these snippets, the company works to drive traffic back to the blog post in order to generate extra leads, sales, or whatever you’re trying to do with the website. Ben explains that the snippets they create are sequences and ready to go—all you have to do is review and set them to post!
* Ben explains how the software creates these snippets, stating that it takes basic cues on the text itself. Say, if there’s a font that’s bolded, or if there are headers to bounce off of, the software can catch onto those things that give good suggestions on the high-value content. This sequence gets progressively more complex, however, as they start learning the style of writing/proximity to certain things, and it’s—of course—forever evolving.
* Ben also talks with us about his other passion, which involves startups, and getting clients. He explains that it’s a lot of fun in the early days of launching first ideas, and he loves exploring ways that product can be put into the market. Because having the idea is only the first part, of course—marketing it successfully is another component entirely.
* On explaining how to get more clients, Ben admits that there’s no silver bullet to guarantee success. From his perspective, it’s about taking stock and looking at the opportunities that present themselves when you when you start thinking about your marketplace, how you sit within it, and who your customers are. You need to take time to think about these factors, first, and how they’re going to help you before pushing forward. He uses his own company as an example for this theory.
* Overall, Ben suggests that before you try the things that books tell you to do—a certain kind of advertising, maybe— just take a second to think about who you already have at your disposal that you might be able to get some opportunity out of. For example, Ben still uses customers of MissingLettr as guests bloggers on their blogging page! Reaching out to them improved their relationship, as well as gave him a new opportunity for finding work.
* Ben offers advice for people looking for help on their own startups, stating that it’s best to get something out early and to get people to validate it as soon as possible. Your hypothesis is only as good as what it seems in your head—by getting it onto the market base (even if it’s only one customer), you’ll get advice and feedback that’s going to be far more valuable than any sort of back and forth you have with yourself. It’s only when you take the idea off the paper and put it into the world that you find any worth to it.
* Ben gives us his three common principles for creating content: first and foremost, you have to make sure that your content remains the key. By writing great, long-form content, you’re creating blog posts that your audience is going to find valuable, and helpful. Also, any strategy you pin onto the content, make sure it’s there to amplify what you’re already doing!
* Secondly, you want to build trust, not erode it.