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Vin Clancy ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast. Vin knows some of the best ways to gain more traffic and leads towards your businesses revolve around growth hacks. He’s been in this business for a while, and currently, he helps small businesses grow their business through the cheat codes of the internet. Let’s get started!

* What you can expect when you read Vin’s book, Ace the Game. Different from his first book, Vin explains that this book sort of focuses on techniques that have worked for him, and how they could help his audience as well. It’s a collection from the best growth hackers in the world, with a couple of his own sprinkled into the mix.
* Vin tells us about one of the most powerful growth hacks that exist in his book! The most powerful way to get meetings and startups happening in Silicon Valley, Vin says, is through LinkedIn automation. He tells us about LinkedHelper, a software that allows you to input your target market. Through that information, it’ll find all of those people who work in those fields, and through the day, it’ll automatically connect with those people. If they accept, you can send them the first message, and this process done every day helps create more leads, and more conversations in your inbox.
* Vin tells us what makes a good LinkedIn message. While it’s true that you want to be vulnerable, different, and honest about what you’re saying, you need to also make sure that what you’re writing about is something people want to know. Balance those important traits with bringing exceptional information to your market, and bring the best new marketing strategies as often as you can.
* Vin gives us another growth hack from his book, stating that most people don’t know that your visitors can be identified. By using a combination of Lead Feeder and Drip, you can insert a couple of lines of code into your website that identifies everyone that visits. These codes grab their name, company, and email address, and using Drip, you can enroll those people into an email sequence. Next thing you know, you’re ready for cold outreach!
* When it comes to the number one hack in marketing, Vin gives us some backstory on the e-commerce world. It seems easy to master, but it’s very hard to source products and get ahead of the competition that is so well established. The best growth hack for marketing online is what’s called one click upsell. Popularized by click funnels, this method appears when people are online shopping. Once they add something to their cart, they’re offered something similar on the next screen for purchase as well. With one click, they can purchase this product, or deny the offer. Overall, it’s very successful and increases the average basket size.
* Lastly, Vin gives us some hacks for a Facebook group. Using a software called Grytics, Vin explains that in order to make sure your group is top ranked, you need active members. By posting and addressing the members to see who is active, you can then go in and use Gryptics to remove the inactive members of the group, making it easier to find people who want to use what you’re offering. This is a good reason to never buy fake followers, Vin warns.