Kevin Donlin ( is our special guest on today's episode of Traffic and Leads Podcast ( Kevin created Client Cloning Systems ( to help entrepreneurs and businesses alike get more clients that mirror the best clients they’ve already got. He is an online and offline marketer, and he’s got the best strategies in order to keep you on top of your marketing game.

* Who Kevin is, and why he thinks online marketing is just as important as offline marketing. In his words, they have to work together in order to have a cohesive marketing plan and to get the most clients you possibly can.
* From there, we talk about how Kevin “invented” the method of the “printed e-mail”. In a sense, it’s exactly what it sounds like—it’s a printed off version of an e-mail that you’ve already send, or are planning on sending, and you send the hard copy to your prospects. Kevin himself says he sends out new brand ideas every month on how to take marketing to the next level. Commitment!
* Kevin gives me the choice of letting him explain his top 3 marketing tools: The Sales Focus Finder, the One Thing Scorecard, and The Sales Conversation starter. We start with the Sales Conversation starter, in which Kevin explains the importance of making cold (and warm) phone calls to people who will listen, as it’s a top way to increase your sales in a quick and efficient manner.
* On average, Kevin says that calling people first thing in the morning warrants a 20 - 50% success in reaching them. If you can generate a list of 25 to 50 phone calls of people you already have a relationship with, you’re halfway to boosting your sales!
* In the end, when the sales conversation starts, you need to have three things—you need to have a reason to call, you need to have something to say, and you need to have the desired outcome. In Kevin’s words, “you win some, you learn some”, and there’s nothing to be lost by making these calls in the first place.
* Lastly, we touch upon the One Thing Scorecard, in which Kevin explains his method of getting something done at least once a day. With the motivation to better the business by doing something seemingly small for an extended period of time, you’re building yourself—and the business—up for something bigger and better. It’s well worth it in the end!