So good to have Pete back on the pod.

This episode Pete Chramiec and I stretch the very definition of what a podcast can be. For instance, together we prove that a podcast CAN consist of two late-middle age men looking through some old stickers and flyers in real time.

We also demonstrate that if you space out a guest’s appearances it really doesn’t matter if we tell the same stories we’ve already talked about. Podcasting is a very intimate medium, I hope my voice feels like the voice of a friend even if we’ve never met. One thing I know about friendships, especially long term friendships: we tell and listen to the same stories a lot. So consider this episode a relaxed chill sesh with your friends Jason and Pete.

We do cover some new territory: we talk about the Unwound shows we recently caught, Pete tells us about the last couple Verbal Assault tours they did and I talk about the power of mindfulness when dealing with mood disorders. It’s a cool episode and I’m proud of it, so there!


Verbal Assault

‘Vicious Hippie’

‘Dead Society’

TM Theme by Jason

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