Previous Episode: We're Pregnant!
Next Episode: Heartbeat

Well, we’re in the 16th week of the pregnancy now. That’s almost the end of the 1st trimester. The baby’s heartbeat has slowed down a bit, as the circular system is more complex now and requires fewer beats per minute. The heartbeat is a steady 152 bpm. Tyler bought a special machine that allows us to listen to the baby from home, which has been a real treat, and, I must admit, reassuring. My tummy hasn’t grown very much to date so every once in a while I find myself doubting that we really are pregnant.

We’ve decided to wait until the baby is born to know the sex, which is a very surprising fact if you know me well. I myself am surprised by how comfortable I am with waiting on that point. In fact, I don’t really think about it at all unless someone questions me on the sex of the baby. So, in light of that, we’re trying to find a few boy’s name and a few girl’s name that we like in advance. Any way you look at it the delivery day will be full of surprises and excitement.