Hosts Greenberg Traurig Shareholder Jordan Grotzinger and Associate Jena MacCabe welcome you to the podcast!

Link to disclosure statement here.

Show notes:

A trade secret is comprised of information that (1) is not generally known, (2) has independent economic value from its secrecy, and (3) is subject to reasonable efforts to maintain its secrecy.

Misappropriation is (1) acquisition a trade secret by improper means, or (2) disclosure or use of the trade secret without the owner’s consent by someone who (i) acquired it by improper means, or (ii) knew that it was acquired by improper means or under circumstances giving rise to a duty to maintain its secrecy or limit its use.

Remedies for trade secret misappropriation are (1) actual damages or unjust enrichment, (2) reasonable royalties if actual damages and unjust enrichment are not provable, and (3) injunctive relief.  In addition, for willful misappropriation, punitive damages and attorneys’ fees and costs may also be available.  Under the DTSA, ex parte seizure is an additional remedy.

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