Dr. Douglas Lippoldt, Chief Trade Economist at HSBC Global Research in London, explains why the U.S. and EU are each other’s largest trade and investment partners despite never having negotiated a free trade agreement, what’s at stake as the two parties negotiate a limited trade deal, and why agriculture is a longstanding sticking point in U.S.-EU trade. He also explains what Americans and Europeans might misperceive about each other’s agricultural systems. Opinions expressed on Trade Matters are solely those of the guest or host and not the Yeutter Institute or the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Show Notes:

Trade and American Leadership: The Paradoxes of Power and Wealth from Alexander Hamilton to Donald Trump by Craig VanGrasstek

Lippoldt, D., “Labour markets trade up: International commerce delivers economy-wide benefits”, HSBC Insights, 4 October 2019

Lippoldt, D., “New trade deals deliver: early gains from Pacific Basin and EU-Japan accords”, HSBC Insights, 16 May 2019

OECD (2012), Policy Priorities for International Trade and Jobs, (ed.), D. Lippoldt, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Lippoldt, D. (2015), "Innovation and the Experience with Agricultural Patents Since 1990: Food for Thought", OECD Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Papers, No. 73, OECD Publishing, Paris