Previous Episode: TRADCAST EXPRESS 173
Next Episode: TRADCAST EXPRESS 175


Topics covered: A response to Kennedy Hall's video, 'Why I am Not a Sedevacantist' (Part 1).


YouTube Video: Kevin Davis and Mario Derksen, "5 SSPX Myths Debunked? Novus Ordo Watch Answers Kennedy Hall on Catholic Family Podcast" (May 19, 2023) YouTube Video: Kennedy Hall, "Why I am not a Sedevacantist" (May 19, 2023) St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, II-II, q. 39 Cardinal Francesco Roberti, et al., eds., Dictionary of Moral Theology (Westminster, MD: The Newman Press, 1962) Rev. Ignatius Szal, The Communication of Catholics with Schismatics (Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1948) "Rethinking Peter Kwasniewski: A Sedevacantist Critique of his Anti-Papal Traditionalism", Novus Ordo Wire (Jan. 21, 2023) Robert Morrison, "How the Modernists and Francis Turn Catholic Foundations into Sand", The Remnant (Nov. 16, 2021) Robert Morrison, "Can We Accurately Diagnose the Bergoglio Disorder Afflicting the Church?", The Remnant (July 28, 2022) Jason Morgan, "Pope Refuses to Meet with Trump's Pro-Life Sec. of State, Mike Pompeo", The Remnant (Oct. 2, 2020) The Catholic Teaching on the Papacy (Collection of quotes from the papal magisterium)

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