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TRADCAST 036 (28 JUL 2023)


Segment 1 -- Ecclesiastical déjà vu: the eerie similarities between the 1960s and today; critique of a recent Remnantarticle by Robert Morrison; ecumenical requiem for a glacier; some comments on the Victor Manuel Fernandez appointment; how Vatican City defends its own borders; Vatican condemns desecration of religious symbols as offense against human dignity; president of 'Pontifical International Marian Academy' says Marian apparitions that warn of divine punishment are false. Segment 2 -- Francis' message to World Youth Day pilgrims; Francis to travel to Mongolia; comments on the upcoming Synod on Synodality; response to Remnant editor Michael Matt and his 'Bellarmine Moment'; critique of Peter Kwasniewski's attempt to bring a Coptic Orthodox man back to the Vatican II Church. Total run time: 1 hr 21 min

Links to Items mentioned in the Show & Related Information

Article: Robert Morrison, "Pius XII’s Humani Generis, and the Holy Ghost’s Protection of What John XXIII Rejected", The Remnant (July 18, 2023). Church Document: Pope Pius XII, Encyclical Humani Generis (Aug. 12, 1950) YouTube Video: "CHURCH in FLAMES: Traditional Catholics, Predator Priests & the Latin Mass", The Remnant (June 25, 2023) Resource: "Bishop Athanasius Schneider, O.R.C." (b. 1961) at Catholic Hierarchy. Blog Post: "Ecumenical Requiem for Glacier", Catholic Conclave (July 20, 2023) Novus Ordo Watch, "Francis appoints ‘Abp.’ Victor Manuel Fernandez to head Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith" (July 1, 2023) Novus Ordo Watch, "Fernandez says his Book ‘Heal Me with Your Mouth’ was meant as a Catechesis for Teenagers" (July 4, 2023) Article: Thom Nickels, "Gutting the Catholic Church with Deep Tongue Kisses", Front Page Magazine (July 18, 2023) Article: Loup Besmond de Senneville, "The Vatican's new 'guardian of dogma' under attack", La Croix International (July 10, 2023) Article: Almudena Calatrava, "New Vatican doctrinal chief Cardinal Fernández defends book he wrote about kissing", National Catholic Reporter (July 17, 2023) Article: "Man arrested after forcing entry into Vatican City", Vatican News (May 19, 2023) Article: Lisa Zengarini, "Holy See firmly condemns desecration of religious symbols", Vatican News (July 14, 2023) Novus Ordo Watch, "Francis denounces Burning of the Muslim Koran in Sweden" (July 10, 2023) Book: Pope St. Pius V, Catechism of the Council of Trent [Roman Catechism], McHugh/Callan translation Novus Ordo Document: Second Vatican Council, Decree Unitatis Redintegratio on Ecumenism (Nov. 21, 1964) Novus Ordo Watch, "The Interreligious Dialogue of St. Boniface Winfrid" (June 5, 2019) Article: Michael Haynes, "Vatican Mariologist suggests apparitions about God’s punishment are ‘false’ despite past approval", Life Site (May 19, 2023) Church Document: Pope Benedict XV, Encyclical Ad Beatissimi (Nov. 1, 1914) Article: Devin Watkins, "Pope to WYD pilgrims: ‘Walk joyfully together with others’", Vatican News (July 23, 2023) Web Site: Catholic Church in Mongolia Wikipedia Entry: "Catholic Church in Mongolia" Resource: Consistory of Sep. 30, 2023 at Catholic Hierarchy. Novus Ordo Watch, "Francis’ Final Speech at Synod criticizes Traditionalists, Progressives" (Oct. 18, 2014) Novus Ordo Watch, "The Synod’s Grand Finale: All Doors Open, Everyone Claims Victory" (Oct. 24, 2015) YouTube Video: "INSIDE the VATICAN: Pope Francis, Bill Clinton & Alex Soros", The Remnant (July 9, 2023) Church Document: First Vatican Council, Dogmatic Constitution Pastor Aeternus, Chapter 4 (July 18, 1870) Article: Rev. Anthony Cekada, "The Bellarmine 'Resistance' Quote: Another Traditionalist Myth" (2004) Novus Ordo Watch, "St. Robert Bellarmine’s Teaching on Resisting a Pope" (Apr. 11, 2018) Book: St. Robert Bellarmine, On the Roman Pontiff (Ryan Grant translation). Full disclosure: Novus Ordo Watch makes a small commission from purchases made through this link. Catholic Resource: Pope Pius XII, Allocution Si Diligis on the Canonization of St. Pius X (May 31, 1954) Article: Peter Kwasniewski, "A Wanderer Asks Questions about Church Membership", One Peter Five (June 21, 2023) Novus Ordo Watch, "Why still be a Catholic? A Critique of Dr. Kwasniewski’s Answer to a despondent Novus Ordo Seminarian" (June 20, 2021) Podcast: TRADCAST EXPRESS 133 (June 16, 2021) Catholic Resource: Pope Pius X, Allocution Con Vera Soddisfazione (May 10, 1909) Catholic Resource: Henry Denzinger, The Sources of Catholic Dogma (1954 edition) Catholic Resource: The Catholic Magisterial Teaching on the Papacy The Holy Bible: Douay-Rheims translation The Holy Bible: Msgr. Ronald Knox translation Support TRADCAST/NovusOrdoWatch by making a tax-deductible donation HERE Novus Ordo Watch, “Now What?” — Being a Real Catholic Today TRADCAST: Complete Episode List TRADCAST EXPRESS: Complete Episode List Follow Novus Ordo Watch on Twitter Follow TRADCAST on Twitter

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