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TRADCAST 030 (1 MAY 2021)


Segment 1: Francis' latest heresy: Is Jesus Christ a "Divine-Human Person"? / Why the new book Defending the Faith Against Present Heresies, directed at Francis, is guaranteed to fail / Answering objections to the sedevacantist position: (a) If the Catholic Church was so strong before Vatican II, how could the council do so much damage? - excursion on Ecumenism; (b) If Sedevacantism is true, why are there Eucharistic miracles in the Novus Ordo Church? Segment 2: A false church with a true Pope? / Vatican I's teaching about St. Peter's perpetual successors and the indefectibility of the Church / Interlude: world's first anti-Vatican II song / "Abp." Carlo Maria Vigano and the Vatican's upcoming global health conference / Eric Sammons' new book Deadly Indifference and the increasingly popular heresy that the Catholic Church can lose or abandon her supernatural mission Total run time: 1 hr 23 min

Links to Items mentioned in the Show & Related Information

Discourse: Antipope Francis, Address at General Audience, (Apr. 28, 2021) Discourse: Antipope Francis, Address at General Audience, (Dec. 30, 2015) Book: Fr. Ludwig Ott, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma (Cork: The Mercier Press, 1955. Reprint by TAN Books, 1974) Article: Tim Staples, "Is Jesus a Human Person?", Catholic Answers (Sep. 20, 2018) Catholic Encyclopedia (1910), Entry "Homoousion" Book: John Lamont and Claudio Pierantoni, eds., Defending the Faith Against Present Heresies: Letters and statements addressed to Pope Francis, the Cardinals, and the Bishops with a collection of related articles and interviews (Waterloo: Arouca Press, 2021) Novus Ordo Watch, "The Open Letter accusing Francis of Heresy: A Sedevacantist Analysis" (May 9, 2019) Church Document: Pope Pius IX, Encyclical Quanta Cura (1864) Catholic Resource: Henry Denzinger’s Sources of Catholic Dogma (1954 ed.) Article mentioning that Angelo Roncalli (John XXIII) was considered suspect of heresy by the Holy Office: "Pope John XXIII", The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta (archived version) Church Document: Pope Pius XI, Encyclical Mortalium Animos (1928) Book: Mgr. Gerard van Noort, Dogmatic Theology II: Christ's Church (Westminster, MD: The Newman Press, 1957) Novus Ordo Watch, "One Year Later: The Apostate Abu Dhabi Declaration on Human Fraternity" (Feb. 3, 2020) Vatican II: Decree on Ecumenism Unitatis Redintegratio (Nov. 21, 1964) Church Document: Pope Pius XII, Encyclical Humani Generis (1950) Vatican II: Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium (Nov. 21, 1964) Novus Ordo Watch, "Christian Unity without Catholicism: Francis spews Ecumenical Bilge at General Audience" (Jan. 22, 2021) Novus Ordo Watch, "Francis denounces Converting the Orthodox as 'Great Sin Against Ecumenism'" (Oct. 1, 2016) Catholic Resource: The Catholic Teaching on the Papacy: A Collection of Quotes from Magisterial Documents Novus Ordo Watch, "The Case of Pope Honorius I" (July 12, 2017) Newspaper clipping: "Recognition Given Fatima Miracles", The Windsor Star (Nov. 20, 1930) Church Document: Pope Leo XIII, Encyclical Satis Cognitum (1896) Catholic Resource: The Catechism of the Council of Trent, Article I on Faith excluding all desire for demonstration Novus Ordo Watch, "The 'Perpetual Successors' Objection" (June 25, 2017) Song: “Vatican 2! What the Heck are You?” by Damo, True Restoration (Aug. 23, 2016) Church Document: Pope Leo XIII, Apostolic Letter Annum Ingressi (1902) Article: Carlo Maria Viganò, Declaration with regard to the "Fifth International Vatican Conference", Catholic Family News (Apr. 20, 2021) Novus Ordo Watch, "Chris Ferrara vs. Mark Shea: The Mystery of the Changing Debate Resolution" (Feb. 7, 2016) Novus Ordo Watch, "Deadly Defection: New Book by Eric Sammons claims Catholic Church has 'lost her Mission'" (Mar. 15, 2021) Book: Eric Sammons, Deadly Indifference: How the Church Lost Her Mission, And How We can Reclaim It (Manchester, NH: Crisis Publications, 2021) Novus Ordo Watch, "Perfect Contrition: The Key to Heaven, especially for Our Times" (Nov. 9, 2017) Novus Ordo Watch, “Now What?” — Being a Real Catholic Today TRADCAST: Complete Episode List TRADCAST EXPRESS: Complete Episode List Support TRADCAST/NovusOrdoWatch by making a tax-deductible donation HERE Follow Novus Ordo Watch on Twitter Follow TRADCAST on Twitter

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