We are barraged by digital distractions to the point where it can warp our perspective.

It’s profoundly challenging to hear ourselves think, let along carve out an identity of our own. So, how can we step out of this Matrix-like web of endless bombardment and live our own version of an excellent life?

How can we learn to listen to and rely upon our own point of view? What does that take? Are there skills of self-reliance we can practice?

Today, Jeffrey explores the art of mastering the entrepreneurial self with John Jantsch, the founder of Duct Tape Marketing and author of the forthcoming book, The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur: 366 Daily Meditations to Feed Your Soul and Grow Your Business. John explains how his curiosity informed his early days in business, discussing what living a life of excellence meant to him then and what it means now. He describes how the ideas of great mid-nineteenth century American thinkers like Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau and Margaret Fuller apply to contemporary entrepreneurs, challenging us to foster the self-trust necessary to uncover our personal passion and purpose. Listen in for John’s insight around the characteristics of a self-reliant entrepreneur and learn to listen to your own authority, nurture a sense of empathy and openness to growth, and evolve to become even more of yourself.

Key Takeaways

[0:02] Our addiction to information and digital distractions

Challenge to hear self think, carve out own identity Learn to listen to + rely on distinct point of view

[5:35] The portrait of a young John

7 of 10 children, freedom of time spent in woods Characterized by curiosity (attention-getting device)

[8:57] How John’s curiosity informed his early days in business

Confident in staying one step ahead of client Served in emerging digital marketing space

[11:17] How John built and scaled his marketing firm

Sell system to small businesses (traditional agency model) Back to working alone after 9/11, create online course Speaking, writing and building network of consultants

[15:45] What a life of excellence meant to John early on

Help clients develop strategy first, then tactics Explore link between curiosity and creativity

[18:19] What inspired The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur

Affection for mid-nineteenth century American thought Apply ideas to life of contemporary entrepreneur Need for self-trust and empathy to see connections

[28:49] How John’s writing voice has evolved over time

Write as member of audience (no first person) Hone art form of writing short passages

[36:08] The relationship between self-trust and purpose

Stop letting others control, trying to control outcomes Self-trust necessary for purpose to find YOU

[38:19] The tension between the values and practice of self-reliance

Technology + capitalism denies us pride of workmanship Disrupt digital matrix programming view of what’s true Foster wonder and appreciation of beauty as antidote

[41:45] John’s practices for listening to our own authority

Quiet the noise and seek solitude Seek opportunities to experience new things Get outside in nature, foster spiritual connection

[45:36] How self-reliant entrepreneurs will change the world

Goal to work much deeper on fewer things Nurture sense of empathy and openness to growth Give self break from judgement, need to compete

[55:00] The evolution of a self-reliant entrepreneur

Shift focus from passion to success to impact Continue to embrace change and growth Prioritize mentorship, most important work

[1:03:14] The value of change by evolution vs. revolution

Make profound change without crisis or drama Progression toward depth and richness Become more of self, able to engage and serve Slow down long enough to hear own voice Connect with John

Self-Reliant Entrepreneur

Duct Tape Marketing

Email [email protected]


A Wondrous Mind on 1440 Multiversity

The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur: Daily Meditations to Feed Your Soul and Grow Your Business by John Jantsch

Duct Tape Marketing: The World’s Most Practical Small Business Marketing Guide by John Jantsch

“I Used to Be a Human Being” by Andrew Sullivan

Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder by Richard Louv

Walden by Henry David Thoreau

“Self-Reliance” by Ralph Waldo Emerson

My Ántonia by Willa Cather

Margaret Fuller

Jay Baer

Todd Henry

The Daily Drucker: 366 Days of Insight and Motivation for Getting the Right Things Done by Peter F. Drucker

The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living by Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman

Sequoia Blodgett